Low Carb Diet Weight Loss In 2 Weeks

Low Carb Diet Weight Loss In 2 Weeks

A low-carb diet can have tons of amazing health benefits. If you stick with it, you'll lose fat, gain energy, and feel better all-around. But, getting started can be pretty rough. Thefirst 2 weeks of a low carb diet can bring some not-so-pleasant side effects, and it can be hard to stay motivated during such a big lifestyle change. While there is, unfortunately, no way to skip over the hard parts, these 11 Tips to Get Through the First 2 Weeks of a Low Carb Diet should help you get over that beginning hurdle, so you can reap the benefits without unnecessary stress.

11 Helpful Tips for the First Two Weeks of a Low Carb Diet

Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before beginning any weight-loss regimen, including a keto diet or low carb diet.

How to Get Through the First 2 Weeks of a Low Carb Diet

1. Meal Plan
Planning all of your meals ahead of time for the first couple of weeks can be extremely helpful. If you write out everything that you will be eating (including snacks!), it's much harder to deviate from your new diet. Make sure to look up and include yummy low-carb recipes that you'll enjoy, so you don't get discouraged.

Round out your meals with vegetables for fiber, and remember to keep an eye on the carb count. Onions, for example, are higher in carbs than leafy greens.

2. Stay Hydrated
Many problems in the first two weeks of a low-carb diet come from dehydration, so make sure to have plenty of water available at all times. I would recommend getting a reusable water bottle so that you can bring your water with you wherever you go. Fatigue can especially be a problem if you're dehydrated, so drink up!

3. Replenish Your Electrolytes
A lack of electrolytes during a low-carb diet can cause all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches and muscle cramps. So, make sure you're still getting enough salt and potassium. You should be able to get enough naturally if you pay close attention to labels, but you can always take supplements if you're not getting enough.

4. Freshen Up
While your body is getting used to your new diet, you might find that your breath or body odor smells particularly bad. In order to save yourself some embarrassment and prevent a loss of motivation, you might want to invest in a travel toothbrush, mints, and stronger deodorant until your body sorts itself out.

5. Don't Eat Too Much Protein
It can be tempting to replace your missing carbohydrates and calories with protein, but it's really a poor substitute. Instead, keep your protein intake about the same (assuming you were eating a healthy amount of protein in the first place), and increase your intake of healthy fat.

6. Stay Away from Dessert
Of course, you'll have to eat dessert eventually, but it'd be wise to steer clear for the first couple weeks of a low-carb diet. Sugar-free versions of your favorite treats simply don't taste quite the same, and having these versions can often make you crave the real thing even more. It's best to leave dessert, in general, for after you've gotten more used to the low-carb lifestyle. {See No-Sugar No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie}

Keep track of your carb intake during the first two weeks in a journal

7. Track Your Diet
Keeping a journal of what you eat can help you keep your diet on track. Make sure to include everything, even gum and mints. They might be low in carbs, but they can add up, making your carb intake creep up without realizing it! {See 5 Low Carb Diet Apps}

8. Get Some Exercise
While you definitely shouldn't force yourself to be too active, light exercise (such as taking a walk) can help keep you motivated, even when you're feeling tired.

9. Drink Coffee or Tea
Drinking a small amount of unsweetened coffee or tea can help with headaches from a low-carb diet. Just make sure not to overdo it, and definitely don't add sugar! You'll also want to watch the dairy products like creamers for hidden carbs.

10. Find Support
One of the best ways to get through the first two weeks of a low-carb diet is to find others who are going through (or have already gone through) it too. If your friends and family just don't seem to get it, there are tons of online forums filled with people on low-carb diets who can help you stay on track.

11. Treat Yourself Kindly
Starting a low-carb diet will likely be a huge lifestyle change. So, be kind to yourself. Reward yourself by taking long baths, watching your favorite movies, or doing anything else that you enjoy. Now is not the time to start other big projects that will further your stress. Allow yourself time to relax, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. Remember: it will get easier!

Low Carb Diet Weight Loss in 2 Weeks: What to Expect

How much weight can you lose in two weeks on the low-carb diet? That depends on how much weight you have to lose, your own metabolism, and how well you stick to the diet plan.

Also, low-carb diets are diuretic, which means that you may lose a lot of water weight at first. It's not unusual, for example, for some people to lose 3-5 lbs per week those first couple of weeks. That should not, however, be the norm.

A safe weight loss, once the water weight has been shed, is about 1-2 lbs per week, the same as any other diet.

Any lifestyle change will come with its ups and downs, and switching to a low-carb diet is not the exception. However, if you use these tips, the first two weeks will be over before you know it, you'll curb your cravings, and you'll see for yourself just how worthwhile a low-carb diet is.

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Low Carb Diet Weight Loss In 2 Weeks

Source: https://gluesticksgumdrops.com/first-2-weeks-of-a-low-carb-diet/

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